Big Finish Recommends
Our special offers on our Doctor Who Monthly Range are running through the weekend and we've asked the Big Finish team (including producers, writers and directors) to recommend their favourite stories! And here they are...
You can check out the team selections below. Don't forget that all these stories are just £5 each on CD and download until noon on Tuesday February 16th (UK Time).
Nicholas Briggs – Big Finish Executive Producer and Doctor Who Main Range Producer.
'I'll choose Doctor Who: Circular Time. This was such a lovely collection of stories, and that moment when Peter Davison says, ‘Is this death?’ is just wonderful. Great work by Mike Maddox and the almost legendary Paul Cornell (he’s only not completely legendary, because he actually exists, thank goodness!). My good friend John Ainsworth did such great job of directing and casting this. It has the great David Warner in it and my old mate Jez Fielder doing some lovely, outrageous cameo work. Lovely cover by Barry Piggot too!'
Alan Barnes – Doctor Who Main Range Script Editor.
'I should like to recommend Doctor Who: Frozen Time to you all. A, because I'm irresistibly drawn to anything concerning Antarctica – Scott, Shackleton, At the Mountains of Madness, The Thing From Another World, The Seeds of Doom – anything around or involving the South Pole, I love it. And B, because it's got proper nasty Ice Warriors in. And proper nasty Ice Warriors are the bessst.'
Jason Haigh-Ellery – Founder, Executive Producer and Supreme Commander of Big Finish.
'I'm going with Doctor Who: Arrangements for War - a classic space opera brilliantly written by Paul Sutton with wonderful acting from Colin Baker and the irreplaceable Maggie Stables. The final scene with the two of them overlooking the young lovers in the garden is both beautiful and touching in a way that Doctor Who rarely is. Here we have a Doctor regretting a sequence of events and unable to put right something that it would seem the universe should never have allowed to happen. I shed a little tear and I'm sure I'm not the only one.'
Scott Handcock – Producer of The Confessions of Dorian Gray, Iris Wildthyme, Dracula and many more
'I’m going to look so lazy picking release number 51, but Doctor Who: The Wormery is one of my favourite Big Finish titles ever, and I can’t not choose it, especially as the release schedule meant it always got overlooked by that month’s epic 40th anniversary title, Zagreus.
'The Wormery was my first exposure to Paul Magrs’s wonderfully madcap creation, Iris Wildthyme, and I instantly fell in love. Katy Manning plays her to perfection, and she steals any and every scene in which she appears. Colin Baker shines as a Doctor seeking solace, and the whole piece embraces a peculiar, dreamy atmosphere. A Doctor Who story unlike any other: frequently offbeat, often absurd, always joyous and packed with heart, it can’t help but put a smile on your face.'
Mark Wright – Producer of Graceless and Writer Extraordinaire.
'My choice is Doctor Who: The Harvest. A pitch perfect Cyber story that does so much, Dan Abnett makes it look effortless in his exciting multi-layered script. We have a new companion in the brilliant Phillip Olivier as Hex, who owns it from the word go. Funny, likeable, incredulous, brave - just what you need from a Doctor Who companion and another success story for an original Big Finish companion. If only we'd known what an effect this character would have on the Seventh Doctor range over the best part of a decade.
'It's such a slick, pacey production, with some fantastic action that is really tricky to do at this pace on audio. One of Gary Russell's best in the director's chair. Above all, there's a brilliantly original and human aspect to the use of the Cybermen here that brings everything together, all brought to a life by an excellent cast that make this one of my favourite Big Finish productions of all time.'
Kenny Smith – Diligent Vortex Editor
'Anyone who's read Vortex will know that I like a pun. The fact that Doctor Who: Terror Firma has a pun in its title is a complete coincidence.
'I've loved Joseph Lidster's play from the first moment I heard it. I love the combination of the Eighth Doctor, Charley Pollard and C'rizz, and each of them is well served here. Terry Molloy delivers another outstanding performance as Davros, battling for his own sanity as the Emperor Dalek within him fights to take control.
'And then there's the wonderful juxtaposition of a society party, set against a war withthe Daleks, as culture and savage hatred are brought together. We've got a secret past of the Doctor, meeting companions we never knew about, and then there's the ending, as we get a glimpse inside C'rizz's head. It was pretty obvious that it was all going to end in tears...'
Joe Smith – Humble Producer's Assistant
'I'm a history nut who enjoys his gore, so for me the obvious choice is Simon Guerrier's Big Finish debut Doctor Who: The Settling. The purest historical story you can get, with the Doctor utterly powerless to change any of the terrible events unfolding around him. This is Sylvester McCoy's Doctor without a plan, forced to think on his feet to at best limit the fatalities.
'It's also an epic breakout story for Phillip Olivier's Hex; already tired of the violence he's seen in his travels, he fights tooth and nail for what we know is a lost cause. Add in Clive Mantel's terrifying yet sympathetic turn as Oliver Cromwell, and some of the most bloodthirsty sound design of all time, and you have yourself a Seventh Doctor classic.'
You can enjoy all these titles, and more, for a special offer price of just £5 each on CD and Download through to noon Tuesday February 16th.
And don't forget; our Super Subscription on brand new adventures is still available until February 16th 2016. 42 brand new titles for just £350 on CD or £325 on download, allowing for a saving of over £200 against buying individually.