Sci-Fi-London, The London International Festival of Science Fiction and Fantastic Film has held a variety of events over the years celebrating Doctor Who and its spin-offs, including panel discussions on novels and comic strips, screenings of the Peter Cushing movies and a live performance of Paul Cornell's short Bernice Summerfield play Closure. Sci-Fi-London's first home grown feature film The Search for Simon which premiered at last year's festival even featured an extended cameo by former Who companion Sophie Aldred!
This year the festival is proud to present a panel discussion with three acclaimed Big Finish contributors: actor/director Lisa Bowerman and writers/directors Scott Handcock and James Goss. They will be discussing with broadcast journalist Alex Fitch (Resonance FM) their involvement with Doctor Who audio plays and animated episodes including Lisa's forthcoming return to Doctor Who CDs as the Seventh Doctor's companion Bernice Summerfield for a box set of New Adventures...
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