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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 008: Robert Forknall
Toby Hadoke's Who's Round

008. Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 008: Robert Forknall

Available March 2013


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In the latest instalment of his Doctor Who 50th anniversary quest to interview someone connected with every single Doctor Who story, Toby Hadoke meets someone who's appeared alongside David Tennant but has had more brushes with Who history than he can count...

He may not have had a name but he is not alone in being a Doctor Who fan and actor, and has fond memories of working with the Tenth Doctor. But he's also met the Fourth as a fan, a director on a train, and was at school with Terry Nation's daughter. Lots to discuss then, in the episode of Who's Round, fact fans, that has the most background noise.

Nominated charity: World Wildlife Fund or Save the Snow Leopards

If you have any leads for Toby to help him reach his target number of Who-based alumni, you can mail in on

  • Product Format: 0-digital download
  • Duration: 32 minutes
Next release in this range: Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 009: Tony Osoba
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